miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

The major sports

Hi, I'm back here and today I am going to 

explain American sports 

Winners forget they’re in a race, they just love to run 

The five more important games in the United States.

The soccer is the fifth most important sport in the States.
Most Popular Sports in the World. Soccer is the fifth Most Popular Sport  in America, Although Soccer is not as Popular as Football, Baseball, Basketball and Ice-Hockey in America. still huge viewership and participation in soccer.

The ice hokey is the fourth most important sport in the States

It is known as “hockey”; the name “ice hockey” is used in countries where “hockey” generally refers to field hockey. the 4rh Most Popular Sport in America.

hockey is most popular in areas of North America (particularly Canada and northern parts of the United States) and Europe. In North America, the National Hockey League (NHL) is the highest level for men’s hockey and the most popular. America Won its first Gold Medal in Winters Olympics. With the introduction of artificial ice rinks, Hockey has today become a one of the most popular passtime indoor sport.

The basketball is the third most important sport in the States

Basketball is the Most Popular Sport in America after Football & Baseball. Also the 10th Most followed sport in the world. Basketball’s Competitions Organized under National Basketball Association (NBA). With Estimated of 14,000 attendance per match Basketball is the 3rd Most Popular Sport in America.


The Baseball is the second most  important sport in the States

Baseball is the 2nd Most Popular Sport in America.
Baseball is also Known as United State’s national pastime. In America, there are Two Levels of Baseball Competition, minor league baseball and major league baseball (MLB). Popularity of Baseball is Not Just in America but all over the world. huge number of audience following baseball matches.

The American Football is the first most  important sport in the States

American Football is the most popular sport in America. Football is also the 9th Most Popular Sport All Around the World. the Biggest Competition Organized under National Football League(NFL). the Football is More Popular in Southern areas of America, Like Texas, Florida and California.
The People of America are not just watching the Football at their homes. Fans are coming by the thousands to watch games on stadiums. In 2012 the league had an average attendance of 67,604 fans at each game. that is more than any other sport league in the world 

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